Friday, September 18, 2009

Southern Tip of Africa

After clearing up where the true southern tip of Africa was, Cape Agulhas not Cape Point, we made our way there. Although it's the southern most point in Africa it's off the beaten path. At the tip is a stone platform that reads Indian Ocean with an arrow pointing east and Atlantic Ocean with an arrow pointing west. We both climbed up to reach across two oceans. Legend has it that if you pee where the oceans meet its good luck. I arrived with a full bladder to get as much luck as I could. The lighthouse that overlooks the cape was one we had to climb. We went up four large wooden ladders to the top. It was difficult to open the door to the outside because the wind was so strong. We ran around for while before seeking refuge from the gale.


Bett Addams Williams said...

I'm a fan of climbing lighthouses too, especially if they have a Fresnel lense!

Addie said...

I guess yall got lots of luck. All Clay needed was an excuse to pee o' natural!! Yall climbed through that tunnel? Yikes made me nervous just looking at it. Great photos