Sunday, December 20, 2009


In the middle of ancient Thebes, now Luxor, rise two impressive temples, Karnak and Luxor. Karnak has a incredible hypostyle hall with over 100 towering columns covered in hieroglyphs. Many pharaohs added and expanded on Karnak over the years making it one of the largest religious sites from the ancient world. Karnak was once connected to the Luxor Temple by a sphinx-lined street. Restoration is underway to restore this pathway.

Upon its discovery, Luxor Temple was buried under houses and an important mosque. When archeologists started to uncover it, the local citizens refused to let them destroy the mosque. Now it, along with remnants of Coptic Christians who painted murals over the temple walls, shows Luxor's long and layered history.


Unknown said...

Wow! Glad you found that last Temple!

Unknown said...

I think Clay should grow a beard like that!JUST KIDDING!

Addie said...

HOLY TEMPLES!!! I love the pic of Temple next to the sign! Classic!

Addie said...

HOLY TEMPLES!!! I love the pic of Temple next to the sign! Classic!