Thursday, September 10, 2009

African Penguins

Our first stop on the drive down the Cape Peninsula was The Boulders, a rocky beachfront home to one of only two mainland penguin colonies in the world. The little African penguins were gathered on the boulders, relaxing in the sun or the shade of a bush or waddling around in the sand. They looked right at us and were very adorable in their handsome tuxedos. Some of the birds were molting, which is when they shed old feathers and grow new ones. There were some fluffy gray babies too. They were mostly quiet but would suddenly all wail like donkeys (which is why they used to be called Jackass Penguins). Their human characteristics were fun to watch. In a line on the rocks they followed each other one by one into the water, sometimes giving apprehensive glances to friends before jumping in. Several of them waddled on their own and sometimes looked forlorn but mostly they were a happy bunch. After visiting for a while, we marched our happy feet onward to Cape Point.


Unknown said...

Precious! You really captured their expressiveness, too.

Addie said...

So sweet! I loved the marching pic. It looks they like that?

Addie said...

Bailey says they are swiming!!! They walkimg and walking in the ocean!

Mary Moore said...

Sooooo cute;
I adore the penguins, and you got great close ups,

Unknown said...

Very cute!!!
I love penguins....
beautiful beach!