Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Mighty Jungle

We headed out to the Amazon in search of beauty, wildlife, and adventure. On the first night as we swam in the river turned orange by the setting sun, we knew we had found all three. And there was more to come...


Unknown said...

Beautiful! Great reflections - I'm surprised by the stillness of the water. Brilliant narrations and nat sound. Were those strange sounds the monkeys? Most jungly!

Unknown said...

we caught piranas just about the same size. Hollywood gave that little boney fish a bad image! We cooked ours and tried to eat them; they WERE all bone!! (Bett speaking) here comes T.

Addie said...

I was nervous the whole time...a little merky. The footage was great. I got the unsettling feeling I was stuck in a boat. Nioce work. I like T's narration too!